Tag Archives: Dublin

The Little Museum of Dublin

The Little Museum of Dublin
If I went to the Little Museum of Dublin earlier it would be on my list of my 5 best museums in the world! I mean it! Although it is small for me that was one of the best things I saw in Dublin. For many reasons. Mainly because it stands for a completely new way of organizing a museum and get people interested in an issue or a place. But also because of its marvelous exhibits and wonderful staff. If you’re in Dublin you ... Read more

How Travel Dreams Come True In A Twisted Way

How Travel Dreams Come True In A Twisted Way
It all went surprisingly different! My travel plans, I mean. This is an excellent example of how changing circumstances affects travels in a positive way. We usually consider changing plans as something negative, that ruined our schedule but here is my story that show dreams can come true even if in a twisted way. First, I thought I’ll be in Lapland this autumn. As always. But I’m not. The reason why is related to my ... Read more

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