Tag Archives: museums

Industrial sites of Sardinia

Industrial sites of Sardinia
Read the previous post. The industrial monuments are not beautiful. At least not to everyone. It is important, however, to visit at least one of them while you’re in Sardinia, due to historical and social reasons. The last 200 years of the history have been tightly connected with mines. And, as often happened elsewhere, the mining boom turned into a spectacular failure leaving behind hundreds and thousands of people in ... Read more

Porta Posnania

Porta Posnania
This is a very particular museum. It has been recently opened to public and it has already gained a ‘must see’ label. I have heard enough enthusiastic comments on it to plan a visit as soon as possible. Just last week I hosted few Italian friends and it seemed a perfect excuse to finally go there. Due to heavy rain and cold weather it was an awesome idea to spend our afternoon. What this is all about? Porta ... Read more

Quick Look At Poznan

Quick Look At Poznan
Writing about home city is challenging. It’s very difficult to find the right perspective. On the one hand, there are too many stories to tell, too many memories to share and just too many places to write about. On the other hand, local stories and excessive detailed description will not interest travelers nor tourists. So here is the thing: I will show you my city just as I do with my foreign friends who visit me here. ... Read more

Urbino: Palazzo Ducale

Urbino: Palazzo Ducale
This is the last post from Marche. But before we’ll say ‘good buy’ to her let me show you the real pearl of renaissance architecture: Palazzo Ducale. I can tell you that Giorgia from Marche Holiday was right: Urbino is all about renaissance and Palazzo Ducale is the best example to show you this. Light Palazzo Ducale dominates the city skyline: it is visible from Fortezza and from few squares throughout the ... Read more

Urbino: a UNESCO treasure

Urbino: a UNESCO treasure
Before I went to Marche I knew the history of Urbino and that I knew I definitely wanted to visit it. Watching a portrait of the famous duke of Urbino – Duca Federico – and his wife in Galleria Uffizi, made me wondering how this city really looks like. Although Galleria Uffizi was a disappointment I was enthusiastic about my visit in Urbino. After all, not every day you visit the city pictured over five hundred years ... Read more

Urbino Gallery

Urbino Gallery
Urbino is a wonder! True: Italy is full of wonders, all sorts of them. Architecture, local celebrations, history, art … Italy has it all. It is hard to stand out of the crowd but somehow Urbino is really fascinating and its character is very particular. For me three best things are: its size, Palazzo Ducale and vibrant social life after sunset. It is hilly which makes the city very attractive and it also makes panorama seen ... Read more

Deutsches Alpine Museum in Munich

Deutsches Alpine Museum in Munich
If you follow this blog long enough you know that I like visiting small and off the beaten track museums. Although I appreciate the mainstream art I immensely enjoy modest exhibitions focused on a single city or a theme. A good example was one of my favorite museums of all times – The Little Museum of Dublin – of which even the name is cute. Visiting small museums all over the world I realized they have a particular set ... Read more

Christchurch: reloaded

Christchurch: reloaded
What you see when you come to the city center in Christchurch? Ruins. Lots of empty slots. Huge cranes and trucks. Ongoing construction. All what the city needs to recreate itself. Despite this, I enjoyed my stay in Christchurch for couple of reasons: lovely weather, interesting spots, freedom of movement by bike, staying for longer than one day at the same place, and meetings with people. One of the best meetings during these few ... Read more

A Little Bit Of Irish Culture: Cnoc Suain

A Little Bit Of Irish Culture: Cnoc Suain
Crossing Ireland by bus gave all Tbex blogger an opportunity to see the landscape of the island. We saw endless green pastures with sheep and cows walking around. We saw stone walls and some small towns in county Mayo and Connemara. BUT until our last day we hadn’t have an opportunity to get a full picture: the cultural experience was missing. Our guides from Failte Ireland thought about it in advance and so the last morning ... Read more

The Little Museum of Dublin

The Little Museum of Dublin
If I went to the Little Museum of Dublin earlier it would be on my list of my 5 best museums in the world! I mean it! Although it is small for me that was one of the best things I saw in Dublin. For many reasons. Mainly because it stands for a completely new way of organizing a museum and get people interested in an issue or a place. But also because of its marvelous exhibits and wonderful staff. If you’re in Dublin you ... Read more

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